Showing inventory for All Locations, All Manufacturers, All Models, All Meter Readings : 3652 units found.
SKU Manufacturer Model Meter Accessories Request
125646 CANON IR2535* 651683 df, 2 cass, print/scan/fax, fair copies, poor condition
128873 RICOH SR5000 FINISHER Meter Unknown Finisher w 3 hole punch, good condition.
132176 RICOH M19 FAX KIT Meter Unknown fax kit for MPC2004/2504/3004/3504
132177 RICOH M20 FAX KIT Meter Unknown fax kit for MPC4504/6004
132577 RICOH M12 FAX KIT Meter Unknown fax kit fits MP 2554/3054/3554/4054/5054/6054
132784 KONICA IC-307 CREO Meter Unknown brand new in box, powers on excellent condition, hdd yes, works with C8000/C7000/C6000.
132797 KONICA IC-309M CREO Meter Unknown powers on goood condition, hdd yes, working no cable. Works with C1060/C1070
133153 KONICA FK-514 FAX Meter Unknown s/n A883011 fax kit works with C258/C308/C368
134297 MITA 356CI* 335259 df, 2 cass, print/scan, good copies & condition, b-61357, c-273902,
134321 XEROX 7120 96067 df, 4 cass, print/scan/postscript, good copies & condition, hdd yes, b: 37302, c: 58765
134439 RICOH D6500 Meter Unknown Untested
135139 CANON IR2535I* 340880 df, 2 cass, print\scan\fax, internal finisher, good copy, and condition
135169 MITA TA306CI* 129606 df, 2 cass, print\scan\fax, good copy and condition, b-118725, c-10881 HDD no
135781 XEROX C7030* 89939 df, 4 cass, print\scan\fax, no copy, fair codition, b-13514, c-76425
136284 HP 556DN* Meter Unknown 1 cass, print, no copy, good condition,
137099 RICOH MP305+* Meter Unknown df, print\scan\fax, no copy, fair condition
139509 RICOH SP6430DN* Meter Unknown 2 cass, print\postscript, no copy, good appearance,
140305 OCE COLORWAVE300 56602 df, 2 roll, print/scan/postscript, good copies & condition, hdd yes.
140826 RICOH MPC2051*PARTS 221327 df, 4 cass, print/scan/fax, internal finisher, good copies & condition
140972 CANON IR2545I* 495696 df, 4 cass, print/scan, no copy, good condition,

On average Bre-Mar houses upwards of 5,000 units between our Milton, ON. and Delta, BC locations.  We carry Tier 1 units, all makes and brands.

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